Creativity Challenge Summer Edition

Creativity Challenge Summer Edition
Summer break at last!!!!!!
Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to continue to be creative throughout the summer so this last week's post before I go on summer break will be packed full of ideas for you to do all summer long!

So.....#1 you might want to make a sketchbook if you do not have one on hand.
Go here to find three easy ways!


#2 Now what to put on those pages?
Here are 100 ideas!

Here are just a few of those:


  1. Draw someone you sit by in an odd pose.
  2. Draw family members with things that are important to them.
  3. Draw yourself (or someone else) painting toenails.
  4. Find a quiet place in a crowd. Draw the crowd.
  5. Draw a relative by the light cast from a TV/Phone/Computer or another screen.
  6. Make a portrait of yourself in twenty years. Or in fifty years. Or both.
  7. Draw a masked man (or woman) that is not a superhero.
  8. Draw the ugliest baby you can imagine.
  9. Draw two sports figures–one in a dynamic pose, one in a static pose.
  10. Draw two self-portraits with odd expressions.
  11. Draw something or someone you love.
  12. Draw hair. A lot of it.
  13. Take a picture of someone near you on a bus or in a car. Draw them.


  1. Draw an animal eating another animal.
  2. Draw your art teacher in a fight with an animal.
  3. Draw an animal playing a musical instrument.
  4. There is an animal living in one of your appliances. Draw it.
  5. Draw a dead bird in a beautiful landscape.
  6. Draw something from a pet’s point of view.
  7. Draw an animal taking a bath.
  8. Draw an animal taking a human for a walk.
  9. Combine 3 existing animals to create a completely new creature.
  10. Draw a family portrait. Plot twist: It is a family of insects or animals.
  11. Draw an animal playing a musical instrument.
  12. Draw the most terrifying animal you can imagine. Or the most adorable.
Here is another list from my art teacher friend "Masterpiece Mama":

#3 You might even go on a vacation this summer and if you do did you know you can take your art supplies with you? How about making a small traveling art studio?
 This first one is really fancy:
Everyday Artist: Compact Carrier for Travel Art Supplies

But then this one is from something we usually throw away so you are recycling!

Rejse-tegnesæt | Kreativ med ungerne

These next two ideas are ones you might need a little help from an adult!

Mon sac d'artiste | Sweet Anything... | Flickr

Whatever you do please enjoy being creative and 
I hope you enjoy creating your artwork all summer long!
I will see you back next school year. 
Be safe, be kind and 
Be Smart Make Art!
Love Mrs. Steagall
 PS If you completed any of the creativity challenges #1-18 
please feel free to email me your address and I will ship you a small prize for completing them :)


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