Creativity Challenge #10 Salt Dough

Creativity Challenge #10 Salt Dough

Oh my goodness there are so many things you can make from salt dough!
Jewelry, characters, animals, ornaments, tags for gifts, handprints, the list goes on and on!

First, you will need:
1 cup of flour
1/3 cup of salt
1/2 cup of warm water

Next, you will need your creativity!
Make something super cool :)
Remember if you make jewelry or an ornament poke the hole in it BEFORE you bake it!

Next, bake at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Finally, you can add some color with some paint!

Hope you enjoyed creating your Salt Dough Scultpure
and I will see you back here on Wednesday
for Creativity Challenge #11.
Be Smart Make Art,
Love Mrs. Steagall


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