Where the Wild Kinders Are

The book cover is an illustration of a sail boat coming into a forested shore. On the shore, sleeping against a tree, is a giant furry monster with bare human feet and the head of a bull. Above the illustration, written in uneven block capital letters against a white background, is the title of the book "Where the Wild Things Are" and below the illustration, "Story and pictures by Maurice Sendak".

Where have I been for the past several months????? I guess in the land of Where the Wild things are?!?!?!!?
Love this book!
Kinders first define Texture: the something feels! Not happiness or sadness but soft, fuzzy, scaly,etc...
Next we read the book and discuss the textures that we notice about the Wild things. Next we use a file folder (because it s stronger than paper) and we draw the craziest mixed up creature we can think of with lots and lots of textures. Next we trace our lines with a black Sharpie. Finally we add color with colored pencils, markers and/or crayons (artist's choice). Next class we review textures by looking closely at zoomed in photos of animals and they are to guess the animal by looking at their textures only. We finish coloring and then carefully cut out around our wild thing. Then I masking tape a Popsicle stick to the back using thinner coffee stirrer sticks for extra support if needed. We finally act out a play of the story using our puppets and running or excuse me "rhompusing" around the classroom. They absolutely LOVE this assignment all the way from the creating to the acting.
My classes are 40 minutes long, I am sure you could squeeze this into one class period only if you had an assistant or parent helper to assist in the taping of the sticks to the back. I just have a Wild things coloring page available to those who are finished and waiting to act out the story.


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