5th Graders and Realism!

Ok so first day we created a four page handbook. I tell them that this is really the only day in art class from Kindergarten to 5th grade that we write definitions...so suck it up buttercups LOL!
They first folded a piece of 12 x 18 inch Manila paper in half. One page one we write our name and the first definition.
Outline: The outer edge of an object. Here I explain that the object being whatever we are drawing and today it will be the hand we do not write with. So we trace our hand paying attention to holding our pencil vertically to not have a too skinny or too chunky hand.

Page two we define
Contour Line: the outer and inner edge of an object but we also are not allowed to pick up our pencil, a one continuous line drawing.

Page three we define Blind Contour drawing: same  as contour but ONLY looking at your object and NOT your paper. We also talk about how these types of drawings are right brained activities and then we go into this discussion about right and left brains and how they think they are one vs. the other...quite interesting!

Finally I put up the artwork Drawing Hands by MC Escher and we discuss how his hands are different from what we have drawn today by adding show shading and realistic details.
Our final definition is Realism: making an object look real by adding shading to appear 3D.

On the final drawing we begin by tracing their hands and adding things like knuckles, nails, and shadows. We learn an easy way to make shadows is to pick a side (right or left) of each finger and add a thicker line to the edge of each finger on that chosen side. Finally take a finger and rub along that thicker line to add a shadow to one side of the fingers. their final books at the end of day 1 look like this:
Day 2 we watch a how to, informational video about the art of Henna.
My How to Henna video
We discuss and review how we created our realistic hand drawings last time. Today they will begin by tracing both of their hands (they can have myself or a friend trace the hand they write with). Now they will add realistic details and shading to both hands.
Finally they will use packets of images from all over the world to create tattoos on their hands. they will cover approximately 90% of their hand with tattoos. When they are finished they will look something like this.


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