How to get kiddos excited about Still Lives

OK so I have always taught my 2nd graders how to create a still life of fruit in a bowl. My challenge has always been how to get them excited about it...I found out it is all in the wording with this one :)
I explained to them that we will be creating an artwork that the viewer will want to take bite out of or they will think they can smell the juicy ripe goodness! And today was the first day that I have tried it BUT so far it has worked!
We will first draw our shapes of 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 bunch of grapes, 1 banana, and one decorated bowl onto construction paper in pencil ...all are drawn on a 1/4 sheet of construction paper except the banana which is 1/3 and the bowl which is 1/2. These are all cut from 9 x 12 inch construction paper.
We also went over shapes vs. Forms.

You can take a closer look here:
My Cezanne/ Still Life PPT

Next we will add color(s), shadows and highlights with cheap oil paints=Oil Pastels...make them think they are super duper special, which we as art teachers already know they are pretty awesome!

The third step is we will cut out all of our pieces. We will add a slit in the top of the bowl. We will slide our fruit through the slit to look as though the fruit is really sitting in our bowl :)

We will glue bowl and fruit onto background paper, add a table and wall, and any other decorations we might want to add and then color all of these with oil pastels too!


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